En anglais dans le texte, voici la liste des corrections issue du CHANGELOG de cette version :
* Fix: Rename of namespaces/workspaces (respectively for settings/preferences) * Fix: Module search engine * Fix: Actions on duplicate modules * Fix: try…catch with chmod()/fileperms() which may be disabled * Fix: Never loaded parent theme * Fix: Type hint (theme management) * Fix: File helper, do not initialize property if given file does not exist * Fix: Restrict filters to current blog * Fix: Check existence of opcache_get_status() and opcache_reset() before using them * Fix: Move safe-mode notice under breadcrumb * Fix: Remove redundant new keyword (preferences management) * Fix: Remove unused behavior in maintenance plugin * Fix: Comments search in backend * Fix: Fix Berlin theme layout on large screens * Fix: Clear server PHP cache after module update
La discussion continue ailleurs
URL de rétrolien : https://dotclear.watch/trackback/5